Month: April 2024
Come watch the national champion OSU Women’s Ice Hockey team in action with us on Saturday, January 25! They are currently ranked #2 and will be playing against another powerhouse team, Minnesota State, that afternoon.
Our block of tickets are available now. Tickets are only $9 each! Last year’s game was sold out.

The game starts at 3 pm, so we will organize a pre-game lunch at 1 pm at The O on Lane, a family-friendly pub just a short walk from the Ice Rink. Bring the whole family!
Special thanks to The Celly Club, the women’s hockey booster club, for their assistance in promoting and organizing this event. Questions? Email us at OSUAlumniFranklinCounty@yahoo.com or call Leyla at 614-893-0559.
Monday, January 20, 2025 is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – a day to honor the incredible legacy that Dr. King left on the world. On this holiday, Pay It Forward, a student organization within the Office of Student Life dedicated to service, organizes a MLK Jr. Day of Service each year for Ohio State students.
Students will participate in 2-3 hours of community service with a local nonprofit in a variety of community issues, such as homeless citizen support, mental health advocacy, healthy food access, child welfare, and support for our frontline workers.
Our Alumni Club, in collaboration with the OSU Retirees Association, will join over 500 students in this community service effort. We will likely be assigned to work at the Ohio Union in some sort of support role to the students. Details will be coming soon.
Questions: Please contact Marianne Wenger at mwenger1101@gmail.com.
Come to the December gathering of the Franklin County Alumni Club for our annual holiday party and “White Elephant” gift exchange! It’s always a great time as treasures change hands many times, while everyone competes for the perfect gift. Mark your calendar for Wednesday, December 11, at 6:00 pm for a festive evening.
The party will be at the Longaberger Alumni House at 2200 Olentangy River Road. Dinner and desserts will be served. Don’t forget to bring a wrapped gift to participate in the gift exchange! It can be something funny or cute that you find in your house, or something holiday- or Buckeye-related — no need to spend a lot of money.
RSVP by sending an email (include your name and phone number, and how many people are coming) to OSUAlumniFranklinCounty@yahoo.com. There is no charge to attend, but we must have a firm headcount for dinner.
Deadline to RSVP is Friday Dec 6. Questions? Contact Leyla at 614-893-0559 or email above address.
Making Buckeye Necklaces
Thursday November 7, we’re doing a fun project for a good cause!
Come help us make Buckeye necklaces for patients at OSU Hospitals. We will provide all the materials (buckeyes, beads, strings, etc). You get to string them together and make someone happy! We will meet at the Longaberger Alumni House at 6 pm on November 7, and spend an hour putting these little treasures together. Then we’ll treat you out for dinner afterwards!
If you have questions or are able to join us, please contact Marianne Wenger at mwenger1101@gmail.com or 614-582-0854. Give her your phone number and email address (so we can send you a reminder a few days before the event). We just need to know how many people to plan for.
Thanks for helping us making fellow Buckeyes smile!
Our community service project this fall is in support of the Columbus chapter of Blue Star Military Mothers of America, an organization that supports our service men and women who are currently stationed overseas. The local chapter, known as Buckeye Military Moms, packs and ships care packages of the items most requested by our soldiers and sailors.
We are collecting for their holiday packages which ship in November, so during September and October, please consider donating the listed items to our collection. You can drop off your donation at any of these club events:
Club meetings on September 11 and October 9 (6 pm, Alumni House)
Our “Picnic with the Police” event on September 25
The “Wine Bistro Dinner” events on October 2 and 16
All donations must be received by the end of October to make it in time for the November packaging day (timed to be shipped and received before the holidays). If you cannot attend one of the above events, or have questions about the program, please contact Marianne Wenger, mwenger1101@gmail.com to make alternative arrangements for delivery. Items can also be shipped to her at 981 Village Brook Way, Columbus 43235 but need to be received by Oct 31.
Requested items (no glass containers):
· Travel size shampoo, conditioner, lotion, body wash, mouth wash, lip balm
· Baby wipes – 40-52 ct.
· Tuna pouches and cans of Vienna sausages
· Cans of meat ravioli or spaghetti with meatballs
· Small jars of peanut butter or Nutella
· Individual fruit servings
· Small packets of ramen noodles or cups of instant mac and cheese
· Protein bars, Clif Bars, or granola bars
· Small size snacks such as Pringles, peanut butter crackers, nuts, trail mix, or dried fruit
· Individual drink mix packets
· Gum
· Microfiber cloths (shop/hand towel size)
· Letters of Support – ask for guidelines for writing to the deployed
You can learn more about the local chapter and national organization here: www.buckeyemilitarymoms.org;
www.bluestarmothers.org. Thank you for supporting our community service projects!
Picnic with the Police! – DATE CHANGE
Come help us “Serve Those Who Serve! Wednesday, OCTOBER 30 , our alumni club will show appreciation for the OSU Police and Public Safety Dept. by serving lunch for all the officers as well as their administrative staff. This event has been extremely popular the past few years, and the police department is grateful to have us back again. We’ll be grilling and serving a “Tailgate” style lunch, so we need a few folks to help set it up, and a few to clean up after. We also need a couple of grill masters. Join us for this great opportunity to give back to those who serve and protect the students and staff of our great campus!

We’ll have two shifts: we need some people to help set-up and serve from 1:00 to 3:00 pm, and some people to serve and then help clean up from 3:00 to 5:00 pm.
Sign up to participate by emailing us at OSUAlumniFranklinCounty@yahoo.com with your name, phone # and email address, and which shift you’re available for.
Come help us say “Thank You!” to these hard-working individuals!
WINE BISTRO DINNER – Click here to buy

Our fan-favorite event, the semi-annual Wine Tasting Dinner at the Wine Bistro on Lane Avenue, often sells out so quickly, that we decided to offer TWO dates this fall!
It will be held on two Wednesdays, October 2 –SOLD OUT– and 16 (available)
Both nights will begin at 6:30 pm. The chef will create a special menu for us, to pair with a variety of wines. The same menu will be served at both events, so you can choose which night is most convenient for you!
We hope by offering two dates, we’ll be able to have more people join us. There is limited seating available for each evening, so you still need to get your reservation in early! The Bistro will provide an amazing 4-course dinner, with wines paired to complement each serving. You’ll even be able to order bottles of the wines you enjoy right after dinner!
Plan to arrive by 6 pm so you have time to find parking and to socialize before dinner. Parking is available behind the building (very limited), or on nearby streets, or also across the street in the Lane Ave Shopping Center.
Questions? Call Leyla at 614-893-0559 or email us at OSUAlumniFranklinCounty@yahoo.com
We are joining forces once again with the Delaware County OSU Alumni to bring you a game watch party for the Oregon game on October 12. Kickoff time is not yet known, but the party will start at least 30 minutes prior to kickoff. Plan to get there early for a good seat!
There’s no charge to attend, but we do need a headcount in advance, so we know how many seats to reserve. You can go to the Delaware club’s website to register — you don’t need to log in, you can use the “Guest Checkout.” The website is: https://www.locallevelevents.com/events
If you have any trouble with it, contact us at OSUAlumniFranklinCounty@yahoo.com for assistance.
We’ll have games and door prizes, the food is good and the company (Buckeye fans) is even better! The location is the same as last year: Wings & Rings, 8661 Columbus Pike (Route 23 about 3 miles north of the outerbelt), in Lewis Center. It is a family friendly place, so bring the whole gang!
Questions? Email us at: OSUAlumniFranklinCounty@yahoo.comGO BUCKS!!
Tailgate Party for Iowa Game
Join us as we host our friends from the Hampton Roads OSU Alumni Club for tailgate party for the Iowa game on October 5. Our tailgate is located on the top (6th) floor of the Tuttle Garage (on the corner of Tuttle Park Place and Ives Drive).
For only $10 / person, you can enjoy all of the food and beverages you wish. This is a family friendly event, so feel free to bring the kids.
Game time is not yet known, but the tailgate will officially begin 3 hours prior to kickoff, whenever that is. Whether or not you are attending the game, come for the party!
Sign up here, or send your check (payable to Franklin County OSU Alumni Club) to Leyla Hawkins, 1149 Tillicum Drive, Worthington, OH 43085.
Questions? Email OSUAlumniFranklinCounty@yahoo.com
or call Leyla at 614-893-0559. We have plenty of space, so bring as many friends as you want!