Football is back in the Horseshoe, and the stadium will be at full capacity this year!  We will hold our annual tailgate for the Akron game on Sept. 25, because that is also Alumni Marching Band day.  Come see 800+ TBDBITL alumni perform the quadruple Script Ohio!

Our tailgate is located on the top (6th) floor of the Tuttle Garage (on the corner of Tuttle Park Place and Ives Drive). For only $10 / person, you can enjoy all of the food and beverages you wish. This is a family friendly event, so feel free to bring the kids.  Whether or not you are attending the game, come for the party!

By Athletic Dept. decision, tickets this year are all-digital; there will be nothing printed. You will need a “smart phone” to purchase them and to show them for access into the stadium.

The Driven Foundation Annual Backpack Giveback

The Driven Foundation, started by former football players Roy Hall and Antonio Smith, provides school supplies to children in need.  There are two ways to participate: you can purchase school supplies, or donate to the organization to help them buy the supplies. 

If you prefer to purchase items, here is a list of things they could use:

Spiral Ring Notebooks (wide ruled)

Composition Notebooks (wide ruled)


Glue Sticks

“Block” Erasers (rectangle pink or white)

#2 Pencils (Not Mechanical Pencils)

Pencil Sharpeners

24 Count Crayola Crayon Boxes

Packages of Colored Pencils

Loose Leaf Wide Ruled Paper

If you choose to purchase items, you are welcome to bring them to our August 11 alumni club meeting, and we will take care of delivering them.  The meeting will be at 6 pm at the MCL Cafeteria in the Kingsdale shopping center in Upper Arlington.  

Thank you for considering participation in this community service program.  DEADLINE to participate is August 11.