On Wednesday, Sept. 22, our alumni club will show appreciation for the OSU Police Dept by serving lunch for all the officers as well as their administrative staff. This event was extremely popular last year and the police department is glad to have us back.
We’ll be grilling and serving a “Tailgate” style lunch, so we need a few folks to help set it up, and a few to clean up after. Join us for this great opportunity to give back to those who serve and protect the students and staff of our great campus!
We’ll have two shifts: we need some people to help set-up and serve from 12:30 to 3 pm, and some people to serve then help clean up from 3 to 5:00 pm.
Sign up to participate by emailing us at (OSUAlumniFranklinCounty@yahoo.com) with your name, phone # and email address, and which shift you’re available for.
Come help us say “Thank You!” to these hard-working individuals!