Did you get too much candy when you went trick-or-treating? Or do you have leftovers because not enough children came to visit you? We have a great use for these goodies!!
The Franklin County OSU Alumni Club will be putting together goodie bags again this year for a group of students in one of the dorms. Candy, gum, pencils, any little trinkets you think a college kid would appreciate while studying for fall semester exams — bring them to us!
We will collect items at our November meeting, or you can contact us to arrange a drop off or pick up. Then we’ll choose a night to pack the bags, and another night to deliver them to the dorms.
You are welcome to participate in any of the three steps — gathering supplies, packing the bags, or delivering. Just email us at osualumnifranklincounty@yahoo.com and let us know what you can do.
Two of our scholarship recipients will be participating in this project, so its a great opportunity for you to get to meet some great students!
Contact today and let us know what you can do!