We’re bringing back our Target Shooting Day at the Range on Saturday, August 3, from 11:30 am to 2 pm. This year we will meet at a range in Sunbury at 6979 Lott Road. You are welcome to bring your own guns andammunition, (some ammunition will also be available for purchase) and to try out other guns if youwish.
Eye and ear protection will be provided. It’s only $10 per person to attend, and lunch will be provided. Please Register no later than Saturday,July 27 either on our website or by mailing your check(payable to OSU AlumniClub of Franklin County) to Leyla Hawkins,1149 Tillicum Drive, Worthington, OH 43085. To pay online below. If you need directions, we can send those when you RSVP.
Questions? Call Jerry Vance at 614-316-0852.